Being of service to connect
QiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsControlOriginal Qirecovery of the lost selflost selfjinginternal selfcore selfspiritfatigueshed fictional selfshed maskre-establishing connection with spiritliving our truthconnection being of service to connect core connection to heart empty mind to access knowing deeper selfinsufficient digestive firepartially digested foodlow energyfatiqueFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malarialost vitality feel tired listless impotent worn down great energy vitality potential guided wisdom core self internal calm stillnessSleeppain
Fear based anxiety vigilence
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsControlFear fear based anxiety facing fears separation failure fear of failure fear of intimacy vigilance fear of fearQi Flow