Mode Category
Balance Type
20 min Demo
Balance for
20 minute balances.pdf167.5KB
Run the meridian
- Discuss issue and hip lock
- Go through Alarm points and check tenderness and priority - discuss channel psychology
- Run the meridian by checking each point for tenderness and feel (tuning in)
- Rub/hold point - check psychology and explore
- If spirit point, do the spirit point visualisation, if not just hold
Age recession
- Discuss issue and hip lock
- Go through alarm points and check priority
- Load the channel psychology and discuss with client
- Age recession and discuss relevance
- Find specific point or VRP and hold
Emotional Stress
- Counsel to find issue
- Alarm points to identify meridians to focus on using priority
- Discuss priority meridian psychology
- Identify emotion
- Felt sense to find emotion in the body and activate
- Connect with alternative emotional state preferred using felt sense and activate
- Identify appropriate balance point and hold
Physical issue
- Work with relevant meridian
- Find relevant point on the meridian
- Luscher colour to find more context
- Hold the point
Touchy Feely
- No particular issue
- Find relevant flower essence
- Felt sense and find relevant emotion and then relevant channel
- Activate cutaneous regions
- Find relevant point
- Hold with felt sense
Body Psych
- Find issue/goal
- Tongue analysis - brief conversation re symptoms
- Check alarm points and find relevant channels
- Activate relevant cutaneous regions and TCG muscles
- Use conditions page to find relevant points or body area and hold
Body vibration
- Alarm points: associated muscles and context
- VRP: Context and eye modes
- DI past resolution related to VRP (if can't connect)
- Recheck AP, muscles, VRP and eye modes