Ki5 Shui Quan – A spring of pure vibrant water

Sp Mode
Mode Category
Balance Type
IN DEVELOPMENTIndividual Sprit PointsExpanded Spirit Points
Balance information
Balance for
toxic fear paranoid paranoia anxious anxiety withdrawn lonely recklessness instinctive connection inner wisdom


Acupuncture Points

Ki5 Shui Quan – A spring of pure vibrant water

Location: in the depression 1 cun below Ki3

This is key point on the channel for toxic fear being the water point on the Ki channel – where fear of fear predominates and we become paranoid and anxious. We may also feel so withdrawn and lonely that we try to run away from our loneliness – leading us to be numb to our feelings. This type of feeling may lead us to do reckless activities, looking for anything that will reawaken us.

When we are stuck in a cycle of fear or withdrawal, this point helps to powerfully break that cycle by forcing out those acquired experiences that have habituated us to fear and reawaken our instinctive connection with our wisdom – the ultimate barometer of safety. When we connect with this aspect of self we know when we are safe. In learning to connect and trust again we can find a sense of closeness to others that dispels all lingering feelings of loneliness.