Du7 Zhong Shu – vitality pivot

Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotions Spirit and DestinyAdvanced VHS/MBMDu Mai Points
Balance information
Balance for
movement in life centring move change life changes centred

Du7 Zhong Shu – vitality pivot

Location: Below T10.

This point provides a pivot for movement in life. Similar to Du6 it enables us to stay centred while we move through life. It can also be seen as a central pivot point around which we may move and change. In this way this point helps provide a platform for life changes to come from our centre rather than on a whim or in conflict with our core.

Breath deeply into your belly and get a sense of your core. Our core centres us, provides balance and security. Imagine moving while aware of this core, as if you are moving while at one with yourself. There is a sense of clarity, stillness and security while moving. Now if you think about a decision that you are currently facing or a change you feel you need to make to your life, you may become aware of the answer or path that you could take that would be most consistent with your core.