Spleen Body Psych

Areas/ Symptoms
Bloating and damp or lack of body bulk
ReceivingExcess thinkingexcess givingneedyunnourishedReceptivityTruth

How hard is it for your to receive compared with giving? What did you want from your parents as a child but never got? How relevant is that now?

Blood and Yin Deficiency

Is it easier to receive than give? How would you feel about yourself if you focussed only on your needs? How would it affect your relationships?

Qi and Yang Deficiency

Do you feel the need to continually help other people? Does that feel draining? What would happen if you stopped? How would that make you feel about yourself?


Are you feeling stuck in needing to meet other peoples needs? What would happen if you focussed just on meeting your own needs - how would that make you feel about yourself?