

Forbidden in Pregnancy?

Upper Great Void





Special Point
Key PointHe SeaLower He Sea

Lower He-Sea point of the Large Intestine Point of the Sea of Blood

intestines stagnation damp heat diarrhoea inflamed colon the spleen and stomach St channel and pain
key point for the intestines leg disorders auditory integration
Channel Psychology

St: Over-thinking, weighing my needs against other’s needs. My needs are never satisfied. Giving more than receiving. Resentment.
 LI: Letting go of the need to be praised, rewarded and accepted. Finding the value within instead of in what money can buy.

Point Psychology
mania aversion to people talking
Key Spirit Point Themes
Empty mind to access knowing

Bowel sounds, diarrhea, large intestine conditions, dysenteric disorder, heat in the large intestine, inflamed colon, intestinal abscess, cutting pain of the intestines, constipation, abdominal pain and distention, periumbilical pain with inability to stand for long, dark urine, heat in the stomach, deficiency and weakness of the spleen and stomach, insufficiency of zang qi, consumption, short breath, difficulty in walking, qi rushes up to the chest, fullness of the chest and lateral costal region, swelling of the face, mania, aversion to the sound of people talking. hemiplegia, leg qi, numbness and painful obstruction of the lower limb, coldness and pain of the bone marrow, weakness of the leg, contraction and pain of the front of the shin, swelling of the knee


The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.